Kirsten Razzaq

Korea Military Academy 육군사관학교 | Korea TESOL IC2023 Program Team (Online)


Kirsten Razzaq is an English language lecturer currently working and residing in Seoul. She has taught EFL in Korea for more than six years and also trains pre-service English teachers for the National Institute for International Education (NIIED). Originally from London, she has years of experience in the creative industry managing design projects and client accounts. As a language educator, she is curious about learner autonomy and project-based language learning in the classroom. Her happy place is teacher training and supporting others to upskill, gain confidence and develop self-awareness.


Synchronous (Onsite) Graduate Student Showcase more

Sun, Apr 30, 13:00-16:00 Asia/Seoul

Please join our graduate student showcase to meet the next generation of educators and innovators in language education. More information is coming soon.

Kirsten Razzaq Chia-Ling Hsu Mohd Farez Syinon bin Masnin Chang Fang-Yu Siyan Dang Curtis Life Yenny Rahmawati Emmi Naja Kyung Hee Kim

Synchronous (Onsite) KOTESOL 2023 Closing Ceremony + *Raffle* more

Sun, Apr 30, 15:50-16:00 Asia/Seoul

Please join us for a brief closing ceremony. We'll also be holding a raffle with some neat giveaways!

Garth Elzerman Lindsay Herron David Shaffer Kirsten Razzaq Michael Free

Synchronous (Onsite) Opening Ceremony more

Sat, Apr 29, 10:15-10:45 Asia/Seoul

Join us after the first plenary session and before the second to hear some words of welcome!

Garth Elzerman Lindsay Herron Bryan Hale David Shaffer Michael Free Kirsten Razzaq Sean OConnor