Gabriel Macedonio Ledezma

SIE Central


Gabriel Macedonio Ledezma is an English language arts instructor at SIE Central in Seoul. His focus and approach are to help students acquire the fundamental language skills necessary to develop into well-spoken and well-developed students. His studied background focuses on bilingual and biliterate language acquisition, specifically in using glosses to aid in interactionalist activities to attain the tools necessary to succeed in multiple environments.


Synchronous (Onsite) BrainPOP Jr. 101: Aiding Students with Collaboration and Digital Literacy more

Sat, Apr 29, 16:00-16:50 Asia/Seoul

English education in EFL has always straddled the line between competitive core curriculum and edutainment. The pandemic came to spotlight an inevitable shift regarding the necessary collaboration between shared technology in the classroom and at home. ELL instructors have had to remain one step ahead of the digital curve to ensure that classroom and parent expectations are met. Instructors are left with the dubious task of fostering engagement with their students, in and often outside the classroom, but where to start? This workshop reviews in-class research and instructors will be presented with a specific forum that provides media and modules to construct lessons and curriculums that help students from all levels better understand core concepts in language arts. Participants will discuss and formulate engaging ways to foster the usage of keywords and incidental language through channels of humor, review, and gamification, which supports collaboration and engagement with all students.

Gabriel Macedonio Ledezma