George MacLean


George MacLean is a professor at the University of the Ryukyus. He has taught at primary-junior high and university levels in Japan and in the international school system. His research interests include SLA and ICT implementation. He is active in the Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT) at a local and national level, and regularly presents at national and international language teaching and technology events.


Asynchronous (Online) Accelerating Feedback and Transmitting It to Students Using Google Workspace more

Fri, Apr 28, 12:00-Thu, Jun 1, 00:05 Asia/Seoul

This practically-oriented presentation will explain and demonstrate the use of Google Workspace applications to build a transparent learning environment. It demonstrates an everything-in-one-place Master Sheet for class work, homework, feedback and anything else that might regularly be needed. The use of Google Forms and Sheets to accelerate feedback will briefly be explained and demonstrated thereafter. Finally, I will show an example of a grade book that permits students to monitor their progress in a course and to access and submit incomplete assignments. The outcome of this presentation should be basic knowledge about Google Workspace applications that promote accelerated feedback and transparency, as well as how to build a dynamic spreadsheet that can be shared with students (all the while preserving anonymity). Although the context of this presentation is from my experiences at a university level, the basic premises and the applications that will be demonstrated could readily be used at many levels.

George MacLean