Gerry Mclellan

Aichi University of Education


Originally from Scotland, Gerry has been living in Nagoya, Japan since the early 90s. He is a published author of three textbooks and was editor of and advisor to the JALT publication, The Language Teacher. He was also head of the Chubu branch of the Japan Scotland Association. In his free time Gerry enjoys skiing, camping, cooking and DIY. During the summer months, Gerry works as a team leader at the University of Glasgow. He is married with two children.


Asynchronous (Online) The Triple Perspective Approach to Learning more

Fri, Apr 28, 12:00-Thu, Jun 1, 00:05 Asia/Seoul

This poster presentation will explore the effectiveness of a triple perspective textbook as a novel approach to learning and teaching. The concept of the genre is both simple and complex in that the perspectives given by the 3 characters (triple perspectives) are recommendations on how to learn a specific topic or skill. This style of instruction or advice demonstrates more than one way of doing any one task. The idea of this new genre is to help students develop their own learning style and their own way of doing tasks based on the advice from three sources. The concept is born of the idea that students need to hear a range of advice in learning new skills while appreciating that everyone is different somehow, and that being comfortable in this knowledge, ownership of their own techniques and style is a critical part of self-development and success. This approach lets students read simple texts that are genuine advice from real teachers, and to afford them space to write down the ideas and techniques of these three experienced teachers. From here they choose their own preferred styles and which strategies to adopt. This is a new approach to instruction.

Anthony Brian Gallagher Michael Savage Gerry Mclellan