
Synchronous (Onsite) Reflective Teaching Practice Featured/Invited

Advancing Collaboration Among Teachers Through Reflective Practice

Plenary Session

Sat, Apr 29, 10:45-12:00 Asia/Seoul

Location: Samsung Hall - Centennial Building

Gaining teaching experience as a teacher is not enough to provide automatic professional development, for we do not learn from experience as much as we learn from reflecting on that experience. Reflective practice involves instructors systematically looking at what they do, how they do it, why they do it, what the outcomes are in terms of student learning, and what actions they will take as a result of knowing all of this information. Such reflection is best completed in collaboration other teachers. Thus, experience combined with systematic reflection in collaboration with others can lead to professional growth so that we can become more effective teachers. In this plenary, I discuss what reflective practice is, how it can be accomplished, and what it can result in.

  • Thomas S.C. Farrell

    Thomas S.C. Farrell is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Brock University, Canada. Professor Farrell’s professional interests include Reflective Practice, and Language Teacher Education & Development. Professor Farrell has published widely in academic journals and has presented at major conferences worldwide on these topics. A selection of his work can be found on his webpage: www.reflectiveinquiry.ca