
Synchronous (Onsite) Teacher Education / Professional Development Featured/Invited

Collaborative Approaches to Teacher Development for Language Teachers

Plenary Session

Sun, Apr 30, 11:00-12:00 Asia/Seoul

Location: Samsung Hall - Centennial Building

One of the greatest resources a school has is its teachers. In any school, there are teachers with varied experience, knowledge, and skills; and both the school and its teachers can benefit by learning from each other through different forms of collaborative professional development (CPD). Collaborative approaches to learning are central to current pedagogies of second language teacher education. In this presentation approaches to CPD will be discussed, including teacher support groups, lesson study, teacher research, and online professional communities, as well as the opportunities and challenges involved in implementing CPD.

  • Jack Richards

    Professor Jack C. Richards has had an active career in the Asia Pacific region and is currently an honorary professor in the faculty of education at the University of Sydney and an adjunct professor at Victoria University, Wellington. He has written over 150 books and articles on language teaching as well as many widely used classroom texts. His recent publications include articles on language teacher identity and English Medium Instruction. The International TESOL organization honored Jack Richards as one of the 50 TESOL specialists worldwide to have made a significant impact on language teaching in the last 50 years. website: www.professorjackrichards.com