
Synchronous (Onsite) Content-Based Instruction / EMI / CLIL Workshop (50 mins Onsite)

Extra! Extra! Creating an English for Journalism Course Using the 4Cs Framework

Sun, Apr 30, 12:00-12:50 Asia/Seoul

Location: P202

Journalism presents an ideal opportunity to engage with the CLIL 4Cs (content, cognition, culture, and communication). During the news writing process, students must think critically to develop story ideas on topics they believe will interest their readers. They then gather information on that topic through online research and one-on-one interviews with people in the community. Finally, they write, edit, and publish their stories following journalistic style. In this workshop, the presenter will briefly outline an English for Journalism course at a private university in Japan and explain how it attempts to incorporate the 4Cs into the class. Using this framework, student feedback on the course, and the presenter’s reflections on teaching the course, attendees will collaborate to create tasks, assignments, and other material that can be used in their own journalism lessons.

  • Nicholas Medley

    Nicholas Medley is a senior lecturer in the Center for Language Education at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in the city of Beppu—the hot spring capital of Japan. His research interests include content and language integrated learning, extensive reading, and second-language vocabulary acquisition.