
Synchronous (Onsite) Content-Based Instruction / EMI / CLIL Research Report/Paper (25 mins Onsite)

Lights, Camera, Interaction: Developing the Four Skills Through Collaborative Filmmaking Projects

Sat, Apr 29, 16:00-16:25 Asia/Seoul

Location: P105

In recent years, the number of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) classes has increased dramatically in universities across Asia. While the approach is intended to increase student independence, my observations suggested that classes are often lecture-based and teacher-centred. Learner interviews revealed further problems: some students’ independent research was performed in their L1, and some struggled with understanding and discussing new concepts in English. This led to the development of a CLIL-based class for university students in Japan, in which groups of learners collaborated on creating short movies. This presentation will outline some elements of the course, from learning basic screenwriting, to rehearsal of actors, and finally to making a five-minute narrative film. Questionnaire responses show that the students’ motivation increased throughout the course, and that their confidence in using the Four Skills improved. These findings have implications for wider use of collaborative activities to improve L2 motivation and competence.

  • Brett Davies

    Brett Davies is Associate Professor at Meiji University, School of Global Japanese Studies. He completed his Master’s degree at Aston University and PhD at De Montfort University. His research interests include the use of creative writing in ESL, developing learner autonomy through the use of authentic materials, and film theory.