
Synchronous (Onsite) Teacher Education / Professional Development Research Report/Paper (25 mins Onsite)

"What next?": Reflecting on the design and efficacy of pre-service teaching workshops

Sat, Apr 29, 16:00-16:25 Asia/Seoul

Location: P205

Novice English teachers in Japan at junior and senior high schools are facing challenges for which their pre-service training has failed to prepare them (Mouri, 2020; Tahira, 2012). In addition, the support structure for English teachers in the public system is wholly inadequate. This presentation explicates a research project that aims to understand and support the practical needs of pre-service English teachers who intend to teach at junior and senior high schools in Japan. Pre-service teachers of English (n=20) were asked to identify what topics they would like to be included in teacher-training workshops designed to address their needs. In 2022, two workshops were held based on these perceived needs. This presentation will focus on the efficacy of these workshops based on the participants’ feedback. The presenters will map out the design of future workshops and argue for the necessity of practical support considering the current teacher-training structure in Japan.

  • Dr. Tony Cripps

    Dr. Tony Cripps has been teaching in Japan for over thirty years. He is a Professor of English at Nanzan University (Graduate Program of Linguistic Science and the Department of British and American Studies). His research interests include teacher training, learner autonomy, material design, MOOCs, pedagogical innovation, and English for Medical Purposes (EMP). He has run numerous teacher-training workshops in Japan and overseas. He is currently working on a major research project (Kaken B – No. 21H00551) funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) which aims to provide pedagogical support for pre-service English teachers in Japan.