
Synchronous (Onsite) Task-/Project-Based Learning (TBL/PBL) Research Report/Paper (25 mins Onsite)

The Effects of Strategic Planning on Oral Tasks of Taiwanese College Learners

Partner Session (ETA-ROC)

Sat, Apr 29, 16:30-16:55 Asia/Seoul

Location: P206

This study aims to explore ways of enhancing EFL students’ oral skills using task-based language teaching (TBLT) through telling short stories in a classroom environment in Taichung, Taiwan. For this study, 54 students were enrolled in an EFL course titled “English Oral Communication” and “English for leisure and culture” from the Fall semester of 2022 to the Spring semester 2023. All the participants were required to tell a short story according to a set of pictures that the teacher-researcher gave them. To do so, the researcher randomly but not evenly assigned the participants into two different teaching methods. One teaching method, the planning group, allowed students to prepare their short story for 10 minutes. The second teaching method, the no planning group, required students to tell their short story immediately without prior preparation.

  • David Blasco

    My name is David BLASCO. I am a French native living in Taiwan. I have been teaching English and French for more than 20 years and my research interests are in writing skills and oral communication skills.