
Synchronous (Onsite) Technology / Online Learning / CALL / MALL Graduate Student Showcase (15 mins)

The Frequency of the Academic Words in American Sitcom The Big Bang Theory

Sun, Apr 30, 13:00-16:00 Asia/Seoul

Location: P101

This study examines the use of academic words in The Big Bang Theory (TBBT), a popular American TV show known for its characterization and academic jargons. The aim of the study is to create a 100-word frequency list and 100-word academic word list for TBBT, and identify the most commonly used academic words in the show. Adapting a corpus-based approach, episodes from the first to ninth season were collected to create a TBBT corpus in Sketch Engine. The TBBT frequency list was generated using AntWordProfiler and compared with Coxhead's Academic Word List to create TBBTAWL. The findings suggest that both TBBT frequency list and TBBTAWL can serve as useful references for English language learners and instructors. This study highlights the significance of incorporating authentic language materials into language learning activities, and underscores the potential benefits of using television shows as a tool for language acquisition.

  • Chia-Ling Hsu

    Chia-Ling Hsu is currently pursuing her graduate studies at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) in Taipei, Taiwan. She has worked as an intern English teacher at a public senior high school in Taiwan, and has also taught at a language learning center and as a private English tutor. Being passionate about teaching and lesson design, she dedicates herself to creating interesting and effective lessons for her students. She also enjoys exploring new ideas with students, and find it fulfilling to see them grow and develop through her lessons.