
Asynchronous (Online) Teacher Education / Professional Development Research Report/Paper (Asynchronous)

Cancelled Learning Action Cells in Language Teaching

Partner Session (PALT)

Time not set

The Department of Education has taken initiative to mandate the establishment of Learning Action Cell (LAC), a form of Professional Learning Community (PLC) to aid teachers in developing their beliefs and practices through collaborative leaning sessions. This has been made official through the DepEd Order No. 25 s. 2016, which is primarily “directed towards improving teacher knowledge, skills, and attitudes based on established competencies linked to the K to 12 Curriculum”. In language teaching arena, there are few conducted studies on PLC. Aside from that, the experiences of ESL teachers are largely unexamined. Phenomenology, with its highlight to study of living experience led the researchers to discover the experiences of English language teachers in Senior High School. Thus, the study aimed to explore the practices of the in service senior high school language teachers, and how their experiences were useful in language teaching. A LAC session based on the conducted study was proposed. Results show that the practices of the language teachers involved top-down dissemination of information, bottom-up topics, and leaner-centered goals.