
Synchronous (Onsite) Reflective Teaching Practice Workshop (50 mins Onsite)

Operationalizing Reflective Practice for Language Teachers

Sat, Apr 29, 16:00-16:50 Asia/Seoul

Location: P201

Update: This session has been moved to room 201.

We must enter, not evade, the tangles of teaching so we can understand them better and negotiate them with more grace, not only to guard our own spirits but also to serve our students well. This workshop invites participants on a reflective journey through the lens of the Reflective Practice Framework, which includes exploring a language teacher’s philosophy, principles, theory, practice, and critically reflecting beyond practice.

  • Thomas S.C. Farrell

    Thomas S.C. Farrell is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Brock University, Canada. Professor Farrell’s professional interests include Reflective Practice, and Language Teacher Education & Development. Professor Farrell has published widely in academic journals and has presented at major conferences worldwide on these topics. A selection of his work can be found on his webpage: www.reflectiveinquiry.ca