
Synchronous (Onsite) Teacher Education / Professional Development Featured/Invited

The University of Missouri Online M.Ed. TESOL Program

Sat, Apr 29, 14:30-15:50 Asia/Seoul

Location: P202

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Learn about the second language acquisition process and enhance your teaching practice by completing a master’s degree in Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum with an emphasis in TESOL at the University of Missouri. Join this session to learn about the online M.Ed. track and hear about the experiences of students in the program. Have your questions about the curriculum and the application process answered by program faculty.

In addition to Dr. Ashcraft, a graduate and current student in the program will also be on hand:

David Blaisdell is a 2020 graduate of the TESOL program at the University of Missouri. He teaches English Language Arts at Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies.

  • Nikki Ashcraft

    Dr. Nikki Ashcraft is an Associate Teaching Professor at the University of Missouri, where she leads the online M.Ed. TESOL program. During her TESOL career, Dr. Ashcraft has taught ESL/EFL and trained teachers in the US, Mexico, Chile, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Pakistan. She is an English Language Specialist with the U.S. Department of State and has trained Fulbright English Teaching Assistants preparing for assignments in the Middle East and North Africa. Dr. Ashcraft has served in various leadership roles within TESOL International Association, among them Chair of the Teacher Educator Interest Section and Chair of the Membership Professional Council. She is certified in Effective Online Teaching Practices by the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) and has been honored with Mizzou’s Excellence in Online Class Facilitation Award. Dr. Ashcraft has published two books with TESOL Press and numerous book chapters and journal articles.

  • Marilyn Schwartz

    Marilyn Schwartz is a student in the M.Ed. TESOL program at the University of Missouri. She also teaches English at Namwonju Middle School in Wonju, Gangwon.