Robert J. Dickey

Keimyung University


Rob Dickey has been teaching English in Korea since arriving in 1994 from his work with community-based NGOs in the multicultural communities of Southern California. His first KOTESOL conference was in 1995, and he has been involved as a member, staffer, and officer at chapter, SIG, and national levels ever since, including with conferences (international conference chair, 2008), publications, sponsorships, and as president (2001–2002). Rob is also engaged in various other teacher associations in Korea and globally; his teaching focus is in content-based instruction, particularly with the subjects of tourism, administration, and law.


Synchronous (Onsite) KOTESOL @ 30! more

Sat, Apr 29, 16:00-16:50 Asia/Seoul

Update: This session has been moved to room 204. This year’s spring conference is the 30th international conference that is being held by Korea TESOL. It is also the 30th anniversary of KOTESOL as an organization (1993–2023). In recognition of this dual celebration, this panel will reflect back over the past 30 years to evaluate how well KOTESOL has served the ELT community as well as look forward to project what directions KOTESOL should take and what changes KOTESOL should make to best serve our ever-changing and increasingly rapidly changing ELT community. Our panelists consists of long-term KOTESOL members with distinguished leadership experience and institutional knowledge, including as national president and international conference chair.

Garth Elzerman Kyungsook Yeum Robert J. Dickey Joo-Kyung Park Allison Bill Bryan Hale