Sandra Houghton

Circular Learning


Teacher, Teacher Trainer and Instructional Designer based in Perth, Western Australia.


Synchronous (Onsite) A teaching framework for supporting cognitive academic language proficiency in EMI classrooms. more

Sat, Apr 29, 14:30-15:50 Asia/Seoul

There is an established need for EMI teachers to access professional development that focuses not only on increasing language proficiency, but also on EMI specific student-centred methodology which develops discipline-specific literacy (British Council 2021; Nieto Moreno de Diezmas and Fernandez Barrera, 2021; Lasagabaster, 2022). This practical workshop is aimed at EMI teachers and those who support their teaching and professional development. It presents a principles-based framework to planning and delivery, enabling teachers to: · Pinpoint opportunities for student-centred tasks; · Select classroom language to set up tasks and give feedback; · Identify discipline-specific cognitive academic language proficiencies (CALP) required to complete tasks; · Source appropriate language support resources to scaffold learning. Workshop participants will be guided through the framework to plan a section of their lesson as practice in using the framework for future lessons. The template can be used to collaborate with English language professionals within their institutions.

Sandra Houghton Kelly Pattison