
Synchronous (Onsite) Content-Based Instruction / EMI / CLIL Workshop (80 mins Onsite)

A teaching framework for supporting cognitive academic language proficiency in EMI classrooms.

Sat, Apr 29, 14:30-15:50 Asia/Seoul

Location: P105

There is an established need for EMI teachers to access professional development that focuses not only on increasing language proficiency, but also on EMI specific student-centred methodology which develops discipline-specific literacy (British Council 2021; Nieto Moreno de Diezmas and Fernandez Barrera, 2021; Lasagabaster, 2022). This practical workshop is aimed at EMI teachers and those who support their teaching and professional development. It presents a principles-based framework to planning and delivery, enabling teachers to: · Pinpoint opportunities for student-centred tasks; · Select classroom language to set up tasks and give feedback; · Identify discipline-specific cognitive academic language proficiencies (CALP) required to complete tasks; · Source appropriate language support resources to scaffold learning. Workshop participants will be guided through the framework to plan a section of their lesson as practice in using the framework for future lessons. The template can be used to collaborate with English language professionals within their institutions.

  • Sandra Houghton

    Teacher, Teacher Trainer and Instructional Designer based in Perth, Western Australia.

  • Kelly Pattison

    Professional development and learning design specialist, focusing on international education