Sessions / Poster Presentation (Asynchronous)

The Triple Perspective Approach to Learning #3594

Fri, Apr 28, 12:00-Thu, Jun 1, 00:05 Asia/Seoul ASYNC

This poster presentation will explore the effectiveness of a triple perspective textbook as a novel approach to learning and teaching. The concept of the genre is both simple and complex in that the perspectives given by the 3 characters (triple perspectives) are recommendations on how to learn a specific topic or skill. This style of instruction or advice demonstrates more than one way of doing any one task. The idea of this new genre is to help students develop their own learning style and their own way of doing tasks based on the advice from three sources. The concept is born of the idea that students need to hear a range of advice in learning new skills while appreciating that everyone is different somehow, and that being comfortable in this knowledge, ownership of their own techniques and style is a critical part of self-development and success. This approach lets students read simple texts that are genuine advice from real teachers, and to afford them space to write down the ideas and techniques of these three experienced teachers. From here they choose their own preferred styles and which strategies to adopt. This is a new approach to instruction.

Commercials and Signs as ESL/EFL Teaching Tools #3395

Fri, Apr 28, 12:00-Thu, Jun 1, 00:05 Asia/Seoul ASYNC

Many ESL/EFL learners are unaware of the societal issues associated with English-speaking cultures. This creates a gap in the learning process because they are unable to understand specific references or discussions within the new culture (Bastos et al., 2022). ESL/EFL teachers have a responsibility to fill the gap by providing the students with tools that will support their learning. This asynchronous poster presentation aims at using commercials in media and various signs as learning tools to support ESL/EFL learners for their intercultural adaptation. Commercials in media and various signs can be used in ESL/EFL classrooms to help the students increase cultural awareness because they involve current events and language, which cannot be found in textbooks. The students can listen to the commercials or see various signs and discuss the themes within them. A variety of ideas to use commercials in media and signs will be provided through the presentation.

Practical Steps to Conducting Practitioner-Research #3452

Fri, Apr 28, 12:00-Thu, Jun 1, 00:05 Asia/Seoul ASYNC

One of the most impactful questions I have ever heard at a conference came in the form of two simple words: ‘So what?’ The question perfectly illustrated the position of many educators who feel that a lot of research is decontextualized and detached from the problems and realities of their practice (Rose & McKinley, 2017). One way of bridging this perceived gap between research and practice is for in-service teachers to conduct their own practitioner-research.

Despite the benefits associated with engaging in practitioner-research, there are numerous factors that prevent teachers from doing so, including the perceived difficulty. In order to address these issues, this presentation outlines a 13-step cycle (adapted from Bury, 2023) that can be followed to actively conduct research in classroom contexts. It is hoped that the procedure introduced in this cycle will enable teachers’ confidence in conducting research and sharing their findings to grow, leading to valuable, practical insights being gained.

When AI Learns to Write: Understanding Its Impact on EFL Writing Classes #3523

Fri, Apr 28, 12:00-Thu, Jun 1, 00:05 Asia/Seoul ASYNC

Writing is one of the four skills often taught in a foreign language classroom. This involves teaching varying strategies in how to effectively write a 5-paragraph essay. Disruptive technologies like neural machine translation systems (i.e., Google Translate, DeepL) now allow students to accurately translate text from their L1 to the L2. More recently, GTP-3 has been released and can generate whole essays from a simple prompt. In this presentation, I will first provide a short background on GTP-3; then examine essays generated by text-da-vinci3, the most capable GTP-3 model available through OpenAi; and finally explore the impact this technology will have on writing classes at the university level. I conclude by considering ways to use GTP-3 as a teaching assistant and how education needs to adapt and evolve with these disruptive technologies by focusing on developing learners’ creative and critical thinking and collaboration skills as well as their emotional wellbeing.

Enhancing Cultural Experiences in Teaching and Learning English in the EFL Classroom #3488

Fri, Apr 28, 12:30-Thu, Jun 1, 00:05 Asia/Seoul ASYNC

Cultural experiences are one of the effective approaches to inspire students to love English and feel highly enthusiastic in learning English. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the values of learning activities in " Cultural Experience Class". Taking part in these activities helps students improve learning results, develop soft skills such as teamwork, organized thinking, personality development, problem- solving, expand vision and connect theory with practice. Experimenting culture is represented by styles, customs and daily life through various different fields such as food, costume, festivals,....etc. Thus, the study attempts to investigate the role of English culture in the process of teaching and learning. The author present a number of cultural experiences to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. The researcher use experimental method to evaluate students’ learning results from the value of learning activities in " Cultural Experience Class". A pre-test, post-test and a survey were collected to determine how the implementation of the technique impact on students’ learning results. The results showed that teaching students through learning activities in " Cultural Experience Class" brought about positive changes in language competence.