KOTESOL Presents The 30th Korea TESOL International Conference

April 29-30, 2023

Platinum Sponsor University of Birmingham

The University of Birmingham offers expert teaching and research supervision to postgraduates across a wide range of English language disciplines, both on campus and by distance learning. Stop by our virtual booth to learn more.

Gold Sponsor University of Missouri

Enhance your career and develop your teaching practice with a master’s degree in Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum with an emphasis in TESOL from the University of Missouri! Courses are 100% online; no campus visits are required. Study with other ESL/EFL professionals from around the world. Pop inside our booth to learn more!

Gold Sponsor Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

The English Language Centre (ELC) at XJTLU (China) is now hiring experienced EAP Language Lecturers. The ELC is an international centre with approximately 200 full-time lecturers, and due to rapid expansion we need to increase our teams. Visit our onsite / online booths for more information.

Gold Sponsor Seed Learning

Seed Learning Inc. was established to provide the best language learning products and services for developing our global human resources according to the needs of the 21st century.

Invited Speakers